We are all aware of the unfairness when vendors offer all kinds of discounts and special deals to encourage new customers to sign up but don’t offer any rewards to existing loyal customers.

By contrast, Knowledgeone Corporation has always made it a practice to offer deals and discounts to existing customers as we feel they have ‘earned’ their rewards by being loyal customers.

We are now formalizing the Customer Rewards Program as follows:


You have purchased our software and services and are covered under a current maintenance (Automatic Software Upgrade, ASU) agreement.

Terms and Conditions:

You accumulate rewards as long as you are covered under a current ASU. You lose all accumulated rewards if you let your ASU lapse. Software is defined as RecFind 6 or any of its Add-On products, e.g., the Button.

Commences: April 1, 2018


For every $100 spent on Software you receive a $10 credit for future software purchases.
Registration: None necessary, we use RecFind 6 as our CRM and maintain a complete record of all interactions with our customers.

Please retain copies of all our invoices for your records.


RF6Cloud customers.

Have you watched our new RecFind 6 cartoon yet? If not, please relax for a couple of minutes and see how Jane solved her content management issues with RecFind 6. Please click here.. Jane
Thank you for being part of the worldwide RecFind 6 family.

Frank McKenna | Knowledgeone Corporation
CEO & Sales & Marketing Director